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How to Grow Your Own Microgreens

1.     Open your new growing trays and separate the two ten-inch trays, (set one ten-inch tray aside to be used for the blackout dome during the germination cycle).


2.     Take your dry Coconut Coir bag and add four cups of water, allow the grow medium to rehydrate adding more water if required, do not over saturate. When the grow medium is hydrated it will expand and become a fine, soil-like substance.  Use your fingers to make sure all clumps are broken up and the medium has an evenly hydrated consistency,  but not saturated.


+ 4 cups water =


3.     Place the four five-inch trays inside one black ten-inch basin tray


4.     Place a handful or so of the coconut coir grow medium, just enough to cover the bottom of each five-inch tray.  There should be more than enough coconut coir included in your kit to fill twelve trays.


5.     Spread the medium evenly in the tray, breaking up any lumps.


6.     Use the bottom of another tray to press down on the medium to get a firm even packed grow surface in each tray.  You may want to break up any remaining uneven areas and repeat the packing process a second time.  You should have approximately ¼ inch of growing medium in each tray once pressed down firmly.


7.     Add 1/2 cup of water to the ten-inch basin tray allowing each five-inch tray the opportunity to soak up a small amount of water.


8.     Fill your Spray bottle at this point and lightly spray each five-inch grow tray from the top, this helps to make the seeds stay in place for the next step.


9.     Select the bag of seeds you would like to plant; each bag contains the correct amount of seeds for one five-inch growing tray of microgreens.


10.   â€‹Sprinkle/Spread the seeds evenly one bag for each of the five-inch trays you would like to grow.  Microgreens require a very seed planting.



11.    Spray mist your seeds until they are moist but not saturated. The ½ cup bottom water and top spray should be enough moisture to keep the seeds moist but not saturated for the first two days of germination.


12.    Cover your seeds by placing the ten-inch blackout dome over the four grow trays to keep them dark and to keep the moisture in. You will want to place your seeds somewhere dark and warm for the first four to five days depending on the variety of seeds planted.  Leave alone for two days.


13.    On day three, check for moisture.  If the medium still looks wet, feels heavy, signs of moisture in the bottom tray and condensation in the top cover, then let them be.  If they’re getting dry, feels light, and no signs of moisture, you can add ½ cup water to the black ten-inch grow basin to allow the medium to soak up any moisture required.


14.    Bottom water with ½ cup water one to two times as required each day to keep the growing medium moist, but not saturated. Overwatering will drown the roots and create an environment for mold.

The Grow Cycle
what to expect

Days 1 to 3: Not much to see, yet.  Little obvious growth; all germination


Day 4:  Bottom water ½ cup should now see cotyledons (first leaves) growth.  Keep black dome on to retain moisture and make the plant stretch for light and force root growth.


Day 5:  Bottom water ½ cup.  Keep the black dome on.


Day 6:  Bottom water ½ cup.  More growth and stretching in the dark, with black dome.


Day 7:  Bottom water ½ cup.  Remove the blackout dome, allow the plants to dry out in a room with ambient light but not in direct sunlight.


Day 8:  Bottom water ½ cup.  Allow the plants to get indirect sunlight to promote chlorophyll production (the Green-Up process).


Day 9:  Bottom water ½ cup.  Allow indirect or short period of direct sunlight.  Caution, too much sun will burn up your plants quickly!  You can also use LED or grow lights. Okay to start harvesting here.


Day 10:  Bottom water ½ cup.  Again, allow short period of light and prepare for harvest.  Cut it all at once or a little as you go over the next few days.  The taste changes as the plant matures.

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