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Are you boosting your immune system or breaking it down?


A lot of people are taking a moment to think about the health and wellbeing of themselves and their entire families these days. There are so many factors that affect our overall health and immune system. While some of these factors may be out of our immediate sphere of influence, many are within our control if we are willing to take notice and make better choices. As you are spring cleaning your environment, take a moment to think about holistically spring cleaning your mind and body too.

Notice the thoughts you think, the environment you’re in and the foods you’re eating. These are all choices affecting your immune system and overall health. Observing your thoughts can give you an opportunity to raise your vibrational frequency, which is already a step towards making you healthier. Give yourself a few moments each day to clear your thoughts and relax your mind through quiet meditation and reflection. Find something to be thankful for and feel thoughts of gratitude and appreciation building inside of you. Say a blessing over your food, no matter what it is that you are eating. Release anything than may not be beneficial to you and charge your food with positive energy for health and wellbeing.

Everyday stressors to your immune system may include lack of sleep and exercise, chronic stress, air pollutants such as exhaust, cigarette smoke or geo-engineering and chem trails containing heavy metals and various other toxins. Daily medications and even vaccines can be disruptive to your natural immune system. It’s important for us to be in a healthy environment and pay attention to maintaining a healthy environment inside our bodies too. Take time to get outside for fresh air and soak up a little bit of sunshine which is the best natural source of Vitamin D.

Eating good, healthy food is very important for your mind, body and spirit. Some of you may even be a little more open to familiar sayings like, “You are what you eat”, “Let food be thy medicine” or “Your body is your temple”. A great place to start is by making sure that the foods you are eating aren’t playing a bigger role in causing the some of the problems with your health to begin with. The foods you eat affect the way your entire body functions.

Some of the worst culprits for breaking down your immune system and leading to diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer include drinking soda drinks, eating genetically modified processed foods, high sugar foods and drinks, refined carbohydrates and too many alcoholic beverages. Do you even know what’s in that fast food burger? I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more than just meat in there, if there’s any real animal meat at all. Cola drinks and soda pops are usually loaded with high fructose corn syrup, among other things that cause all kinds of damage to your systems. These are all things that are breaking down your immune system (your natural defense against disease) and are creating an environment for things to go wrong in your body. Top that off with stress, worry and anxiety and you’re looking at a recipe for dis-ease and illness. No wonder so many people are having health problems; look at what we’ve been ingesting our entire lives.

Are you making good choices or are you running a ghetto in your gut?

70% of your immune system lives in your gut. This is their neighborhood and they’re depending on you for their survival. Are you providing your body what it needs to be strong and healthy and thrive and survive or are you running a ghetto in your gut? Are your little bacteria communities getting plenty of fresh clean water and proper nutrients so that they can be in tip-top shape to do their jobs and keep you healthy?

It’s time to heal your body by cleaning up your gut, your internal environment, and boost up your immune system. Adding nutrients and phytonutrients into your system is the best way to fight off free radicals caused by stressors including bad food, pollution and anxiety. Live, raw foods are full of the high vibrational energy of plants and are some of the best natural medicines. Real foods like fruits and vegetables are your best bet for improved health. Adding fish, nuts, seeds, legumes, cheese, butter and eggs is a good way get the additional Vitamin A and Zinc which are necessary to increase the strength of your cell walls helping to defend from viruses and other invaders. Beta-carotenes in plants can help to boost Vitamin A levels too.

Microgreens, the edible cotyledons of many vegetables, herbs, and flowers, is a newly emerging crop that offers a dense source of nutrition and has the potential to be produced in just about any locale. Despite their small size, microgreens pack a nutritional boost, often containing higher nutrient levels than more mature vegetable greens. They are packed full of phytonutrients that have been scientifically proven to have significant health benefits, basically making them superfoods. These nutrients allow for optimal cellular function and communication. When our cells are communicating effectively, the proper sequence of enzymatic reactions take place. This all leads to biochemical reactions creating healthier tissues and organ systems, detoxification of foreign substances, a strong immune system, and muscles that will perform when called upon. They are a great addition to any diet.

Eating microgreens regularly, which are extremely high in Vitamin C, is a great way to boost your immune system and may help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cataracts, and anemia. Vitamin C increases the production of interferon, a protein which helps protect the cells from any viral infection. Microgreens are also very high in Vitamin E which are antioxidant substances that protect cells from damage. The sulforaphane in broccoli sprouts and microgreens activates the peripheral blood natural killer cell granzyme B production; an effect that enhances antiviral defense responses and reduces markers of viral load in the nose.

The added benefit of beautiful and scrumptious greens on your favorite dishes all year long, makes them even more desirable! These aromatic greens, also sometimes referred to as micro-herbs or vegetable confetti, are rich in flavor and add a welcome splash of color to a variety of dishes.

Microgreens are extremely nutritious, cleanse and detoxify the body, and boost your immune system. They help to clear the body of poisons and toxins that cause harm.

Because microgreens are in the young, green, plant state they also contain large amounts of chlorophyll, which is chemically similar to hemoglobin, a protein that is essential in red blood cells as it carries oxygen around a person’s body. They detoxify your body while helping to improve your oxygen carrying capacity. This is a bonus for fighting off ailments that affect your respiratory system.

Microgreens are easy to grow for yourself; they just take a little bit of dedication. It only takes one to three weeks from planting until ready to eat! There are lots of resources on how to sprout seeds and grow microgreens. We’re even working on an instructional video ourselves. If you’re not able to grow your own, check with your local farmers to see if microgreens might be available in your area. When possible, always buy direct from the farmer to your table with no middleman. The fewer the hands, the better.

So, let’s all take this opportunity to make a step towards better choices and clearing the muck from our guts. It’s Spring cleaning time for your immune system! Get your vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients onboard so that your immune system gut army is armed with all the ammunition it needs and is ready to take out any bacteria or viruses that may attempt to invade your system. Load up on nutritious foods!

Do the things you can do to make better choices and take better care of your immune system. Keep the environment of your body as clean as possible to promote healthy systems. You are in charge and all those good little soldiers in your gut are counting on you. Slow down, decrease your stress levels, breathe fresh clean air and drink lots of clean filtered water. Watch your state of mind by thinking good thoughts, meditating, having gratitude in your heart and speaking positively. Your thoughts and your words count. Create the intention of peace and harmony, healing and protection. Raise your vibrational frequency and imagine yourself and all of your bodily systems as perfect. Think good thoughts. Keep in touch with loved ones in whatever way that you can. Take a moment to laugh; it increases your ability to fight off infections! Make good choices. EAT YOUR GREENS!

Julie Embry RN is the co-owner of Divine Energy Farms in Evergreen, CO providing fresh weekly microgreens to the local community. She is also available for holistic wellness consultations and is a provider of Standard Process nutritional supplements.

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